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DISCOID MENISCUS                                               KANDIL NOTES


  • A discoid meniscus is an abnormally large meniscus that is discoid or pancake shaped as opposed to c-shaped

  • It is often referred to as popping knee syndrome

  • A discoid meniscus tear is simply a meniscus tear that happens to occur in a discoid meniscus

  • Around 5% of the population has discoid meniscus

  • 25% of patients with discoid meniscus have one on their other knee too


  • Discoid meniscus occurs because of abnormal development

  • A discoid meniscus tear occurs from a twisting injury, similar in nature to a standard meniscus tear


  • Mechanical symptoms such as catching, locking, giving out may be associated with a discoid meniscus or a discoid meniscus tear

  • Pain in the inside or outer portion of the knee corresponds to location of discoid meniscus tear


  • Discoid menisci that are not painful are treated with observation

  • Treatment of stable discoid meniscus includes arthroscopic surgery consisting of saucerization where the torn meniscus is debrided and trimmed to a stable edge. In addition, the remaining meniscus is shaped into a normal anatomic meniscus.  

  • Treatment of unstable discoid meniscus includes arthroscopic surgery consisting of debridement, saucerization, and stabilization/repair of the meniscus to prevent excessive motion and snapping


  • Since discoid meniscus is due to abnormal development, there is no prevention

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